We are one of the largest scientific institutes in Central Europe. Our Centre is a unique research unit in the country. We have a very rich history and, above all, a huge scientific output, mainly in fields such as physics, nuclear and plasma technologies. We conduct basic and applied research related to nuclear energy and various areas of subatomic physics. Our work is interdisciplinary and covers the following scientific fields: physics, materials engineering, automation, electronics and space technologies, environmental engineering, mining and energy, pharmaceutical sciences.


ALMA observations unveils the chemical composition of galaxies in the early Universe
New research indicates that early galaxies contain large amounts of gas and dust, essential for star formation, more than theoretical models would indicate. In a recently published paper, a team of scientists from the NCBJ Astrophysics Division used observations from the ALPINE-ALMA program to investigate the presence of gas and dust in galaxies that formed within the first billion years after the Big Bang.
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